All natural ingredients

As someone who has very sensitive skin, I know how important it is to use only the highest quality ingredients. Therefore, what you see on the label is what you get; no hidden ingredients, fillers, colors, or fragrances. And while my products are not officially certified organic, I only source the highest quality ingredients from the most ethical sources that I can; providing you with a difference you can see and a quality you can trust.


Your Friendly Local Herbalist

Herbalism found me when I didn’t know that I needed her. Herbalism showed me her amazing ability, leading me down a path of education, discovery, and truth. Because of her, I found my purpose, my drive, and my love. I am so glad that I now get to share her profound knowledge with you!


Learn about the herbs

“The Healing Power of Nature”

Nature is amazing and holds more knowledge than we give her credit for! Learning from her brings us not only closer to nature but allows us to learn more about ourselves as well. Education and plants are a passion of mine, and while I hope that you do trust me and the products I am making for you, I also want you to be empowered in your knowledge of what you're using. So go ahead, dive in and discover each herb for yourself and why they may be in the formula you’re using.


Shop in person

Join Kristyn for live, hands-on herbal workshops where you’ll learn the basics of creating your own herbal medicine at home for your whole family! From tea formulation, tincture making, salve making, and more! Be sure to check back every month for a new class!

  • Brooke W.

    My daughter got the WORST diaper rash with her molars coming in that I was going to make a doctors appointment for her, but since it was the weekend, I had to wait and was so thankful to find Sacred Oak Apothecary at the market! Never had to call to make that doctor’s appointment because this salve healed her bum in three days!

  • D.C.

    Sensitive Skin Salve helped clear my son’s eczema. It worked better than hydrocortisone! It helped keep his skin soft without any adverse side effects. I still add it to any dry spots that might come up and it clears them away quickly.

  • K.S.

    My husband and I have been taking SnowWhite Capsules for over a year and welove them! We take them about 2 hoursbefore bed and they definitely calm themind and assist us in falling asleepyou definitely can’t beat the price. I highlysoundly. They are easy to swallow andrecommend these for calming the mind,especially after a long, busy day.